rita cipalla

This fall, the 107-year-old Our Lady of Mount Virgin Catholic Church will not be open for Mass or baptisms, weddings or confessions. In a two-page statement from the Seattle Archdiocese issued in July, parishioners learned that their pleas and protests …

Does your next dinner party require a Pecorino Romano or a Moliterno al Tartufo? Maybe you’re low on charcuterie, perhaps salami or prosciutto? How about a full-bodied Barolo, Barbaresco or Brunello to accompany your homemade pasta? Any of these items, …

While many of us stayed close to home during the pandemic, forsaking travel and evenings out, others chose a different route. Take Kate Wheeler, a freelance cartoonist from Seattle. Wheeler’s parents retired to Italy six years ago. After dreaming for months …

Fun yet functional, stylish yet sexy. You can’t get much more Italian than a Vespa.  Now scooter lovers in Western Washington have the inside track when it comes to buying the latest Vespa models, thanks to South Sound Scooters in Tacoma – the state’s only …

The Migration Project, an international exhibition bringing together 10 artists from Seattle and Italy, will open in Perugia Sept. 2 through Oct. 9. Curated by Antonio Carlo Ponti, the exhibit can be seen at the Civic Museum, located in the Palazzo …

Connections between sister cities can be expressed in different ways – student exchange programs, touring art exhibits, or in the case of Spokane and its sister city of Cagli, public sculptures on permanent display. Last fall, Spokane celebrated its newest sister city relationship …

Ten artists, two countries and one evocative theme: it all adds up to an extraordinary art exhibit that will go on display this September in Perugia, Italy. Known as the Migration Project, the international exhibition brings together a mix of …

For Italians, growing up in a household where one or both parents own a restaurant is not unusual. But how many Italians can claim that fast food pioneer Harlan Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame was a frequent house guest?   Seattle’s Dorene Centioli-McTigue, …

Natalia Di Pietrantonio has devoted her career to South Asian art but her family comes from very different parts of the world — her father is from Italy and her mother from Mexico. Attracted by art from an early age, Di …

This June, as nearly 7,000 students received diplomas from the University of Washington, two young Italian women were among those who celebrated.  Valentina Iseppi and Carmela Pappalardo are not just new degree-holders. They are also elite athletes, rowers who have competed on both national …