Detail of San Vitale's mosaics. Image by awsloley from Pixabay

Also this year, Ravenna will host the “Mosaico di Notte”, a full programme that includes special openings of some UNESCO monuments and of historical or archaeological sites of Ravenna. On Tuesdays and Fridays, from 9pm to 11pm, there will be the opportunity to visit the Basilica of San Vitale and the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, and take part in a guided tour of the archaeological sites of the Domus of the Stone Carpets and the Rasponi Crypt-Roof Gardens (booking required for both archaeological sites). 

Moreover, Ravenna Bella di Sera summer festival includes a full calendar of concerts organized by the bars and restaurants of Piazza del Popolo, as well as Sotto le Stelle di Galla Placidia the traditional poetry readings held in front of the Basilica San Francesco and O Musiva Musa…tessere di poesia e musica, a programme of concerts taking place in the forecourt of the Church Santa Maria Maggiore.

Until 24th August, the Basilica of San Vitale houses the 54th International Festival of Organ Music, while the patron saint of the city Apollinaris will be celebrated from 17th to 28th July with some special events: guided tours, concerts, evening hikes, meetings and religious ceremonies.

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