You may know this about me already, but I have a thing for towers. Bell towers, clock towers, castle towers – you name it. So when I was planning my trip to Venice and discovered there’s a tour inside the …
I always see three little letters on Italian foods – both here and in Italy – and the ones that have them are always significantly more expensive than the ones that don’t. I figured these initials were similar to the …
Fall is the perfect time to sip your way through Italy. Many choices are available from week-long tours to day-trip jaunts from Florence, Milan or Rome out into the surrounding wine regions. For example, if you want to spend …
When I made my first poorly-planned and short-lived attempt at the age of 26 to live in Venice in the early 1990s, I thought of it as the ultimate place of art and artifice. I imagined that by traveling to …
“In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue”. It was the first piece of poetry I ever memorized. I was five years old and in Mrs. Lowe’s kindergarten class in Geneva, Florida. Christopher Columbus is the first historical figure I …
Il treno si prende comodamente da Roma, avendo cura di sistemare il prezioso mezzo ciclabile nell’apposito vano bagagli. Una volta giunti alla stazione Celano- Ovindoli, non rimane che la scelta di percorrere il tratto di strada che collega le due …
I left my hotel at 7am and walked to the SITA bus stop ready for a day on the road. I’d heard about the narrow, windy mountain roads on the Amalfi Coast but thought everyone was probably just exaggerating when …
When part of the Biblioteca Marciana, across the piazzetta from the Doge’s Palace, collapsed during its construction in 1538 its architect, the eminent Jacopo Sansovino, was immediately thrown into jail. A group of Sansovino’s influential friends, including the great Titian, …
Like any good college graduate, I’m intimately – and painfully – familiar with Jägermeister, that destructive German digestif that left so many of us hating the world the next morning, and with its bottle that strangely features a stag with …
Due momenti molto suggestivi hanno caratterizzato quest’anno, in Trentino, il X Forum Green-accord per la Salvaguardia del Creato: il primo si è svolto ad Arte Sella, precisamente a Malga Costa, dove sono stati inaugurati i lavori con una conferenza dello …