Con l’approssimarsi della stagione calda, è normale desiderare un rinfrescante tuffo in mare, una rigenerante passeggiata sulla spiaggia, un bagno di sole per un look abbronzato. La cittadina di Riccione, sulla riviera adriatica, ha molto da offrire non solo sul …
I didn’t get Verona’s discount tourism card when I was there last Spring, but I did print out some of the free walking itineraries from their website. I’m so glad I did, or else I never would’ve stumbled upon Giardino …
Fall is the perfect time to sip your way through Italy. Many choices are available from week-long tours to day-trip jaunts from Florence, Milan or Rome out into the surrounding wine regions. For example, if you want to spend …
One of the first things my Venetian friend, whom I’ll call “A”, said to me when I met him two years ago in his father’s lace showroom near Piazza San Marco was, “ This place will be a museum soon, …
Nei paradisi del bike e del trek, tante sono le proposte per l’estate 2013 tra boschi, pascoli, borghi, laghi e sentieri, passando per la neonata “scuola del cammino”. Cinque milioni di alberi, 17 mila ettari di verde, di cui …
Il territorio del comprensorio turistico della Valnerina è collocato nell’area sud-orientale dell’Umbria, ai confini con le Marche a est. Abbraccia la zona più montuosa della regione, dominata dal complesso dei Monti Sibillini che alla profonda spiritualità benedettina unisce il fascino …
Like any good college graduate, I’m intimately – and painfully – familiar with Jägermeister, that destructive German digestif that left so many of us hating the world the next morning, and with its bottle that strangely features a stag with …
Who can resist Italy in September? In the mood for long city saunters, shopping and sidewalk cafés? How about learning experiences that include actually participating in grape and olive harvests? What about taking scenic bike or Vespa tours through rolling …
About twenty miles east of Palermo sits the beautiful jewel of Trabia by the sea, with its beaches and safe little harbor as though held in the bend of the arm of the coast. Trabia was and still is the …
I always see three little letters on Italian foods – both here and in Italy – and the ones that have them are always significantly more expensive than the ones that don’t. I figured these initials were similar to the …