
When part of the Biblioteca Marciana, across the piazzetta from the Doge’s Palace, collapsed during its construction in 1538 its architect, the eminent Jacopo Sansovino, was immediately thrown into jail. A group of Sansovino’s influential friends, including the great Titian, …

Imagine a town that is big enough to be exciting, yet small enough to feel cozy. Imagine friendly locals, children playing in the narrow streets, and the sweet smell of freshly baked brioches wafting through your window in the morning. …

By Staff

When I  made my first poorly-planned and short-lived attempt at the age of 26 to live in Venice in the early 1990s, I thought of it as the ultimate place of art and artifice. I imagined that by traveling to …

“In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue”.  It was the first piece of poetry I ever memorized.   I was five years old and in Mrs. Lowe’s kindergarten class in Geneva, Florida.  Christopher Columbus is the first historical figure I …

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Il treno si prende comodamente da Roma, avendo cura di sistemare il prezioso mezzo  ciclabile nell’apposito vano bagagli. Una volta giunti alla stazione Celano- Ovindoli, non rimane che la scelta di percorrere il tratto di strada che collega le due …

Soon after starting an Italian-English language exchange with a young Venetian here I made the bold assertion that there are ten essential words or phrases in every language that will unlock not just the underlying logic of the language, but …

La riviera friulana, nella parte meridionale della provincia di Udine, è un territorio veramente ricco di attrattive di ogni genere, che la rendono attraente in qualunque stagione: paesaggistiche, ambientali, naturali, etniche, archeologiche, storiche, culturali, agroalimentari, ludiche, balneari, ricettive, di intrattenimento, …

Due momenti molto suggestivi hanno caratterizzato quest’anno, in Trentino, il X Forum Green-accord per la Salvaguardia del Creato: il primo si è svolto ad Arte Sella, precisamente a Malga Costa, dove sono stati inaugurati i lavori con una conferenza dello …

I left my hotel at 7am and walked to the SITA bus stop ready for a day on the road.  I’d heard about the narrow, windy mountain roads on the Amalfi Coast but thought everyone was probably just exaggerating when …

You may know this about me already, but I have a thing for towers.  Bell towers, clock towers, castle towers – you name it.  So when I was planning my trip to Venice and discovered there’s a tour inside the …

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