One Day In...

Imagine walking through green fields dotted with tiny mountain flowers and on to winding rocky paths that seem to disappear into the bluest of skies, while the only sounds you hear are the gravel under your hiking boots and the …

I’ve just returned from Rome where I spent two great weeks with my 2015 Matta Roma Art & Language Group! We did so many wonderful things in the Eternal City. But it was hot! Wow! All of Italia is in …

Street musicians, free performances and the excitement of never knowing who is going to perform around the corner: buskers’ festivals are gaining popularity worldwide and attract thousands of visitors no matter where they take place. Ferrara, one of Emilia Romagna’s …

If a stunning coast line, crystal clear waters and amazing food aren’t reason enough to visit the beautiful region of Apulia – the heel of the Boot – the month of August gives vacation goers one extra incentive to visit …

Well take you on a historical and gastronomical tour of this small village on the Eastern coast of Sicily  EVAZ Meda Group for more go to

“I love the way life is spent in Italy….It’s really nice to sit down and have a two-hour lunch, which the Italians do. I realized that I had spent 15, 20 years standing up and shoveling food down my throat. …

Venice is not only a third class theater for tourists, it’s a real city with real inhabitants and a thousand year strong culture. Going to Venice and viewing only the touristic surface is pretty much the same thing than going …

Matera in Basilicata has intrigued me for quite some time. Any photos I have seen or stories I have read about this place built from caves have been so  interesting. Finally now I can say that I  have experienced this …

Cetara is a town in the area of Salerno, in the Campania region located in the territory of the Amalfi Coast. The village was born a settlement for a group of armed Muslims in 880. It used to be a village …

By Staff

A great art itinerary through Palladian Villas of Veneto. What about Villa Trissino Marzotto, in Vicenza? Its most amazing treasure is the world largest private collection of rare tapestries. The patterns are by some artist like Raffaello and Giulio Romano, …

By Staff
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All Around Italy