Life + Style
The fashion world is a place that most people are unaccustomed to. Behind the scenes are rarely considered when the latest trends are brought to stores. The film The Director, directed by Christina Voros and produced by James Franco, recounts …
What is more exciting than a film focusing on food, family, and fun? The sequel to a film just like that. The U.S. debut of the British movie, The Trip to Italy, now in theaters, was also part of the …
At a time when many historical Italian industries and brands are being sold to foreign companies in order to survive the economic crisis, it seems even more important to celebrate the 80th anniversary of an icon of Made in Italy …
Hollywood sells the American dream to the whole world, a clear example of that is the movie Pretty Woman, which ends the modern Cinderella fable with the line “This is Hollywood, the land of dreams. Some dreams come true, some …
On August 27th movie lovers, directors, celebrities, writers, and journalists will take a boat or a “gondola” to celebrate cinema. It’s the 71st Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Venezia, the Venice International Film Festival, which takes place every year in …
Sometimes, in life, we see a person do one thing and that one thing defines the very essence of who he or she is. Maybe it is the way you cook, that precise blending of ingredients, which shows what a …
Winning an award in the entertainment industry is often much more than just a pat on the back or placing a trophy on your fire mantle; instead, it carries with it the immense satisfaction of being recognized by one’s peers, …
Every year, thousands of Italians who, perhaps through old age and fatigue of winter, or through youthful exuberance to see the world and meet like-minded global citizens, wish to make a long term entry to the United States. Some seek …
Back in the good ol’ days, come Friday night, Americans would run home, turn on the radio, and sit back and listen to their favorite shows. From the 1920s to the 1950s, it was a time in history commonly referred …
Citizenship by ancestry: Italian citizenship is based upon the principle of “iure sanguinis” (blood right). This means that a child who is born to an Italian father or mother is also an Italian citizen. Citizenship is passed on from parent …