From the Editor

Merry Christmas, cari lettori! The year’s favorite holiday is finally here, with its load of expectations, colorful packets, and presents to exchange; it’s time for a much-needed break and for family traditions filled with memories, surrounded by the magic atmosphere …

The first “jewelers” date back to the Upper Paleolithic. Sometimes between 40 thousand and 10 thousand years before Christ, stones, ivory, and seashells started to be used as jewels, symbols of spirituality or power, apotropaic objects, decorations. The history of gold began …

Poetry is more than the words making its verse, more than rhymes and assonances. It evokes entire worlds, paints feelings, creates sensations. It is, essentially, an expression of the soul, the way feelings communicate, a form of sharing. Poetry must …

“Italian cuisine is tradition, quality, creativity, but also innovation, wellbeing, and sustainability.” With these words, Italian Ambassador to the US Mariangela Zappia introduced the sixth edition of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, an initiative promoted by the …

The sixth Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, promoted by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, along with the consular network and the Sistema Italia, is not only a panoramic shot of our recipes and of the products …

L’Italo-Americano could launch an international prize in Italian identity. And we could do it with good reason, considering we’ve been promoting and giving voice to Italian culture, language, identitarian dimension, and the immense heritage of the Italian-American community for 113 …

If there is a symbol every Italian identifies with, that’s the Tricolore.  A synonym of national unity and of the many battles we fought to get the Belpaese we love. A reminder of the tragic sea of people who died for the …

 Every family has its own Christmas traditions, but in Italy, the holiday season in its entirety, including non-religious celebrations, loves desserts. From Milan’s Panettone to Verona’s Pandoro, from Piedmont’s Tronchetto di Natale to Bologna’s Panspeziale, from Siena’s Panforte to Lazio’s …

Italian-Americans are a large, well-distributed group in the US. Traditionally, they worked their way up in politics, economics, society, sciences, but also in culture, education, the arts, cinema, and sports. They contributed to the growing prestige Italy has been enjoying …

Investing in our territory, in its history and culture means investing in our future. Taking care of what we’ve inherited means keeping our social and human heritage – so rich and varied – alive. The quality and state of conservation …

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