La Buona Tavola
These days, when you think of fish dishes, the last thing that comes to mind is the idea of cucina povera, that type of dishes based on once-upon-a-time cheap and widely available ingredients, which could satiate whole families without spending too much. …
You say “focaccia” and “Liguria,” and thoughts go immediately to Genova and its olive oil-rich culinary icon, la focaccia genovese. However, Ligurians know well there is also that “other” focaccia, the one from Recco, which is just as lovely and delightful. Focaccia …
Broccoli rabe, also known as cime di rapaor rapini, holds a significant place in Italian culinary history. Its use in the kitchen can be traced back to ancient Roman times, which highlights its long-standing role in our gastronomic traditions. This vegetable, which originates …
As the chill of winter settles in, it’s easy to overlook the season’s bountiful harvest. Contrary to the common perception of winter as a time when nature rests and sleeps under a blanket of snow, this time of the year presents, in …
What’s a breakfast without bacon? And a carbonara without guanciale or a deli plate without Italian pancetta? I am sure we all agree on the ubiquitous presence of these three flavorful salumi in the kitchen, but it can all become …
Ask an Italian what they think of la mostarda—a linguistic “false friend” for mustard—and be prepared for a strong opinion. A friend of mine introduced it to me over text a while ago, when it appeared while visiting her family …
As a student, I used to live with a girl from Merano, Alto Adige: two Italians abroad, both from the mountains — one from those of Piemonte, the other from the Dolomites — we had a lot of things in …
In Naples, the Christmas season is marked by a delightful array of sweets, with roccocò standing out as a traditional favorite. These treats, which share the spotlight with other popular festive delights like struffoli, raffioli, mostaccioli, and susamielli, are essential to the festive atmosphere in Neapolitan homes. …
Vignarola is a traditional dish from the Lazio region of Italy, known for its simplicity and freshness. A true celebration of spring in a dish, vignarola’s roots sink deep into Roman culinary tradition, in a delightful embrace of the season’s most typical …
Who says that pasta al pomodoro is boring? The most iconic Italian dish, made with the simplest, cheapest, and most available ingredients you can think of, may not strike for creativity, I give you that. But it remains one of …