
One of the leading automobile dealerships in Southern California today, Bozzani Motors debuted in 1911 as a modest bicycle shop located at 632 North Main Street, next door to the Italian Hall. An advance in capital allowed brothers Amerigo, Joe, …

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In my opinion, the most romantic and dynamic pairing of a leading man and women in the world of film, was Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni . They made 17 films together…Just saying and hearing their names titillated American audiences …

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Chicken Liver Crostini       Ingredients: Chicken livers Onion or shallots Olive oil Prosciutto fat Parsley Celery Carrot White wine or Marsala   Preparation: Even those who cannot stand liver will like this. You will want 3 to 4 chicken …

Prohibition devastated the wine industry in California, a sector that Italian immigrants had played an integral role in developing. A handful of vintners, including Santo Cambianca, who had established a winery in Lincoln Heights in 1917, survived by manufacturing grape …

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Many are the traditions and ceremonies that characterize the Easter week in Catholic Countries, from special food and recipes to the decoration of churches and religious sites. But one of the most fascinating is Good Friday, a religious observance that …

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The Italian language, as well as many others, is rich of expressions, sayings and proverbs. Whether they originated centuries ago or only recently, they reflect our culture and history, and are part of our everyday life.   Many of these …

The main purpose of this article is to make the people of California, USA aware of the existence of another California, in Tuscany, Italy. “Why” and “when” the new California in Italy was founded and “who” named it La California, …

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It took a young mayor to come up with a bright idea to repopulate the ghost town of San Basile, located on the slopes of Mount Pollino in the province of Cosenza (Calabria). The online initiative was called: A home …

Born in New York City in 1905 to Domenico and Palmina LaBarba, Gold Medal Olympian Fidel LaBarba was raised in the heart of Los Angeles’ Little Italy where he sold newspapers for the Los Angeles Express and learned to fight …

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Approximately 650,000 Italian soldiers during the Second World War ended up in concentration camps as P.O.W. (Prisoners of War). While civilized nations, like USA and England treated the prisoners with respect and humanity in accordance with the treaties and regulations …

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