Dear Readers, Veteran’s Day, formerly Armistice Day, originally meant war’s end. On November 11, 1918, the Armistice Agreement was signed and fighting on all battlefields ceased at 11 a.m. The guns of World War I fell silent. After 4 long …
“Trasferire in segreto all’A-quila tutti gli ebrei sfuggiti alla retata del ghetto di Roma e tutti coloro che sono nei monasteri o nei conventi del Reatino”. Questo l’ordine perentorio ed accorato che diede il 16 ottobre del 1943 l’Antico …
What was Guido Barilla, the Chairman of Pasta Barilla thinking when he said, he would prefer to use the image of a “traditional family” rather than use a gay family to advertise his products? Was his distasteful declaration a result …
November is a month of wind and rain. Soaked in melancholy, Romans light candles on All Souls Day and sip vino novello on St. Martin’s Day. If I had hands, I would lift a glass and toast the memory of …
La scelta di allontanarsi dalla propria città e dagli affetti, a volte non è dettata da uno stato di necessità economica o di tipo formativo. Nel panorama di coloro che sono andati via da Reggio Calabria rientra anche chi, come …
La voce gli si secca in gola, a Sergio Aliboni, all’ingresso del cimitero di Marcinelle, in Belgio, quando gli occhi s’inumidiscono. “Ho sentito le vostre voci e mi sono commosso. Io lavoravo alla taglia con gli abruzzesi. Grazie per essere …
A fellow writer recently expounded on his lack of interest in the origins of his European ancestry. He engagingly wrote ‘None of my ancestors ever looked back with anything like nostalgia. As far as they were concerned, it was “good …
Vampires existed in folklore for centuries, gruesome, repulsive, rotting horrors that mindlessly preyed on the blood of the living. The modern version is quite different; while still requiring liquid refreshment, they appear as eerily attractive, suave, psychologically complex, traveling in …
Dear Readers, November, the month that begins with All Saints Day (Nov. 1), a feast which had its beginnings in the Christian churches of the fifth and sixth centuries where we celebrate and remember all saints canonized or not and …
Alle ore 6 del 2 luglio 1940, a pochi giorni dall’entrata in guerra dell’Italia (10 giugno), l’UBoat 47 colpì l’Arandora Star: un evento che, con 446 vittime italiane, resta tra i più drammatici nella storia dell’emigrazione. Avevano una sola …