This Valentine’s Day falls on the full moon. Every dog from Rome’s 22 rioni will howl until the Seven Hills echo with their cries. Small packs roam the city at night. Some beg scraps from commuters at Termini Station. Others congregate around …
Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, Marines from the Apulia region, are in India awaiting charges for the murder of two Indian fishermen after allegedly mistaking them for pirates and opening fire on their fishing trawler while they were guarding the …
The Renaissance proper began in Florence in the Fourteenth Century, a rebirth of the learning of classical antiquity, the discovery of long lost Greek and Latin literature, and a flowering of art, science and scholarship – the creation of the …
Barack Obama will not meet Enrico Letta, as planned on his European tour in March. When he comes, to meet with the Pope as well, he will find another premier instead. Italy is changing its government once again. After …
He is the youngest premier in Europe and in the history of the Italian Republic. Moreover, Matteo Renzi, 39, former mayor of Florence, leads the youngest Italian cabinet ever, with an average age of 47. The 16-strong team, half of …
As we approach the Lenten season, many who follow the precepts of the church prepare themselves for forty days of fasting. The pre-Lenten season brings two words to mind: Mardi Gras and Carnival. Both terms relate to the festivities leading …
Genealogical research, after all, revolves about names. The names of ancestors and relatives are the keys that connect us to them, and help to put flesh and bones on the dry statistics we may find. To identify individuals, most western …
Dear Readers, during the month of February when we traditionally pause to celebrate lovers (Valentine’s Day) and Presidents’ Day. Once Lincoln (February 12) and Washington (February 22) were honored individually; now they are collectively celebrated on Presidents’ Day, February 17. …
A più di quarant’anni dalla sua scomparsa, Walt Disney ancora vive nell’immaginario collettivo e nei ricordi d’infanzia degli italiani come celebre padre di Topolino e primo creatore di lungometraggi d’animazione, sonori e a colori, che ancora oggi commuovono ed emozionano …
Al Teatro Golden Gate di San Francisco, in California, canta una soprano italiana. Le musiche sono di Bellini, di Verdi, di Rossini. Il meglio della produzione lirica mondiale e la folla ascolta estasiata. Sarà il primo concerto in una …