La vita italiana

To most people Matt LeBlanc will forever be the good-hearted, amiable aspiring actor Joey Tribbiani from the widely popular show Friends. The series was a must watch in the mid nineties and it ended its successful run in 2004 after …

“Se avete due pani, vendetene uno e comprate un fiore, perché anche l’anima  ha fame.”  If one has two loaves of bread, sell one and buy a flower, for the soul also has hunger.   This Italian proverb spoken by …

By Staff

As the color guard walks in carrying the majestic Italian, American, and Californian flags, the audience who attended the “Celebrate Italy Event” bonded in a moment of silence in commemoration of their shared cultures across generations, creating a shared sense …

A unique documentary exhibition, “Italian American Cinema: From Capra to the Coppolas”, is currently on display at the Museo Italo-Americano, until March 6, 2016. The exhibition is surely an opportunity to better understand the contributions made by Italian-Americans to the …

The September 3rd edition of L’Italo-Americano featured an article titled “Before Ferry Plaza There Was the Italian Farmers’ Market”.  It told the story of the earliest, 20th century Italian farmers’ markets in San Francisco.  Here we continue the story of …

For the last fifteen years, the U.S. president has been making an annual, official proclamation, nominating the month of October, as “National Italian American Heritage Month”. In coincidence with the festivities surrounding Columbus Day (October 12), the designation acknowledges the …

The Leaning Tower of Pisa seems like an obvious topic for a travel and culture blog about Italy, but if I’m being honest I have to admit that it had never been on my “Have-To” list.  I didn’t understand why …

“No Italians Need Apply” was the sign that Louis Rossetto’s grandparents had to read when they first moved to New York City from Bollengo, Piedmont, at the turn of the 20th century. The founder of Wired magazine is a son of …

Its name is Jellyfish Barge and it’s a floating greenhouse. On its wooden basement there are recycled plastic drums where to grow vegetables just exploiting sea water, solar energy and wind. No land needed. That means growing farms could happen …

A leading expert in digital media worldwide, Italian entrepreneur Bibop G. Gresta was a key figure in the early development of the digital market and Internet technologies  both in Italy and abroad. A native of Terni, he has been living …

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