
One of the most macabre and moving self-portraits in the world is in the Borghese Gallery in Rome. It’s not labelled as a self-portrait – it’s David with the Head of Goliath. This late painting by Caravaggio depicts the young …

Not many may know it, but musicians of Italian descent left an indelible mark in the history of Jazz. Jazz, the rebellious lovechild of ragtime and blues, of spirituals and traditional American ballads, has also Italian blood running in its …

When I had my first visit to Rome, I bought a little book from a vendor called “Rome Past & Present.” It has photos of each ruin in the Roman Forum as it looks today, but instantly transforms into its …

On June 11th 2002 the United States House of Representatives righted a wrong that had persisted for over 130 years. They passed a resolution honoring Antonio Meucci, an Italian migrant who lived in Staten Island, for his key contribution to …

On this episode of You, Me & Sicily Alfred and Ezster explore some of Sicily first inhabitants and settlers! 

By Staff

Oggi 8 agosto 2016 ricorre il 60° anniversario del disastro minerario di Marcinelle, la più grande tragedia che ha colpito la nostra migrazione in Europa. Nella miniera del Bois du Cazier morirono, in quell’agosto del 1956, 262 lavoratori provenienti da …

Taking its name from the Arabic for workshop, Venice’s Arsenale enormous shipyard was the real powerhouse of the city. Its 16,000 workers built an unrivalled navy enabling Venice to dominate eastern Mediterranean waters for centuries. They built galleons to transport …

Dopo una serie di “conversazioni americane” avviate attraverso la rubrica “Questione di parole” pubblicata da L’Italo-Americano, sull’ipotesi dell’origine etimologica del termine napoletano guappo, avute con discendenti di emigranti napoletani, posso confermare la giustezza delle loro ipotesi. Posso ora presentare il …

The archaeological museum of Finalborgo collects the prehistoric finds of all this part of Liguria, the area of Savona. The most significant find is the grave of a young prince, who died something like 19,000 years ago! The reason for …

By Staff

One of my Italian passions is the study of the ancient Romans. I especially love the artwork, like the excavated wall frescoes in Pompeii and Ostia, sculptures from the Roman forum, and mosaics, which were used as decor in public …

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