San Francisco
Per la prima volta in qualità di primo cittadino di Roma, il Sindaco Ignazio Marino ha fatto visita a San Francisco per presentare il progetto di restauro dei siti archeologici della Capitale, dando inizio ad un programma di scambio culturale …
You can become a part of San Francisco’s North Beach history and help create its future! Read on to find out how. Although San Francisco had parks prior to the 1906 earthquake and fire, for the most part they were …
Per celebrare 10 anni di collaborazioni durature e l’impegno a portare il meglio del design contemporaneo a San Francisco, lo showroom DZINE ospita in questo mese il celebre architetto e designer Piero Lissoni in occasione della mostra “1:1 Piero Lissoni”. …
Siete stanchi di dover fare scalo nelle principali città europee o in vari aeroporti della East Coast americana per raggiungere la città più ad Ovest degli Stati Uniti? La business community italiana della Bay Area, rappresentata da BAIA (Business …
The Istituto Luce-Cinecittà in Rome, the Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco and program director Amelia Antonucci present BERTOLUCCI – A FILM SERIES. Following the success of the 2013 film series PASOLINI, CinemaItaliaSF is presenting four of the most successful …
The San Francisco Opera opens its 2014-2015 season, the company’s 93rd, on September 5th, with a new production premiere of Bellini’s masterwork Norma, starring Sandra Rodanovsky in the role made famous by Maria Callas, and conducted by SFO music director …
The first official visit of the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to the U.S. started from the city of San Francisco, California. It was the first visit paid by an Italian Premier to the Golden State since 1982, and the …
Have you ever noticed the jaunty vintage streetcars rolling along Market Street and around the Embarcadero? Have you ever wondered why some of them have foreign identifications on them? That would be because they are vintage streetcars from around the …
Con uno sviluppo costiero fra i più lunghi d’Europa, la penisola italiana rappresenta di per sè una suggestiva soglia di separazione fra la terraferma e il mare, se vogliamo fra il finito e l’infinito. Le sessanta fotografie scattate in …
The National Italian American Heritage and Culture Month of October was designated by United States Presidential Proclamation. Coinciding with the festivities surrounding Columbus Day, the proclamation is in recognition of the many achievements, contributions, and successes of Americans of Italian …