
  For the past few years, San Francisco has without a doubt been the West Coast city where one is most likely to spot a new Fiat 500.  Between the City’s narrow streets and challenging parking situation, the Fiat 500 …

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Ethics, politics, family, religion, public and private life: all these aspects of life are questioned by one main “motif”, the right to die. Once again Italian director Marco Bellocchio chose a difficult subject for his film, and brought it to …

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Architettura e design a supporto dell’uomo, perché ne possa usufruire e godere anche nella quotidianità. “Vivere alla Ponti”  non è solo una mostra, bensì una filosofia di vita. Gio Ponti (1891-1979) è stato uno dei maggiori esponenti del design italiano …

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  North Beach in the nineteen-fifties was a neighborhood in transition.  Following World War II, Italians began to leave the traditional Italian enclave for other parts of San Francisco, such as the Marina and the Excelsior.  Real estate in the …

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The long awaited summer of racing is just around the corner, and this month is starting with many exciting events beginning on the Fourth of July. Independence Day signals Opening Day at America’s Cup Park, located between Pier 27/29 of …

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It has been said, there is a light at the end of the tunnel; and apparently, when it is our time to die, there will be a distinct, bright, white light that will peacefully illuminate and guide us on.  How …

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The Little Italy Association sponsored the annual Taste of Little Italy”, now in its sixth year, on Wednesday June 19, and was so popular it sold out all tickets to enjoy a culinary sampling at 28 participating restaurants throughout Little …

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  Da un paio di anni a questa parte, non vi è dubbio che la città della west coast americana nella quale è più facile vedere circolare una nuova Fiat 500 è sicuramente San Francisco, sia per le sue strade …

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Ritmo, colore, passione: Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino vi porta in Salento, Puglia, terra della pizzica! Reduci dal seguitissimo festival texano South By Southwest e da uno show che ha fatto ballare il pubblico del Memorial Park di Pasadena, il gruppo cambia …

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Among the initiatives celebrating 2013, Year of the Italian Culture in the United States, the residence of Consul General of Italy Giuseppe Perrone has recently become La Casa all’Italiana in Los Angeles, hosting gorgeous design works by Italian renowned artist …

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