
A sampling of the three periods of Italian film master Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975), provocative and audacious thinker, acclaimed essayist and beloved poet. On the heels of a major retrospective at MoMA in New York, and at UCLA and the …

The Columbus Day Celebration, Inc., the organization which has produced the annual Italian Heritage Parade, has announced the names of the winners of the annual competition to crown the new Queen Isabella and her nine-member court.  On Sunday, October 13, …

By Staff

Nonostante le nuove potenze emergenti come la Cina e l’India si stiano impegnando fortemente per colmare il divario, gli Stati Uniti d’America rimangono ancora oggi ai vertici dello sviluppo tecnologico, con centri di ricerca all’avanguardia come il Jet Propulsion Laboratory …

By Staff

The 6th annual vintage Italian poster and old master prints exhibit entitled “It’s All Italian!” kicks off with an opening reception on Friday, September 13 starting at 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM concluding Saturday, October 19.  This free exhibit open …

Un pomeriggio di primavera all’inizio degli anni ’90, mentre ero in attesa del mio treno alla Stazione Centrale di Bologna, il portabagagli che avevo chiamato, mi dette una lezione di vita e di economia.    Incuriosito da un certo mio …

By Staff

One of the youngest Italian festivals in Northern California, the Morgan Hill Italian Harvest Festa has once again drawn record crowds to the beautiful Uesugi Farms location in Morgan Hill. According to festa director Jim Di Vittorio, the focus of …

The Tomasellos are a tireless lot.  A characteristic probably attributed to their bloodline and heritage originating in Santo Stefano di Camastra, province of Messina in Sicily.    Salvatore and Marion Tomasello, Richard Tomasello’s grandparents, were part of the “immigrant newcomers” …

For all the lovers of the opera in San Francisco, there is now a special opportunity to enjoy some of the best repertoires from the masters of classical music, uniquely sung in Italian within an elegant but informal atmosphere right …

Quanti di noi sanno che molte delle componenti dei telefoni cellulari, di cui oggi non possiamo più fare a meno, sono state ideate da illustri scienziati italiani? L’antenata della batteria che li alimenta fu un’invenzione di Alessandro Volta nel XIX …

By Staff

On the occasion of the panel discussion and exhibition “Italy of the Future” which took place at the Italian Cultural Institute on Wednesday, September 4, we had the opportunity to meet two generations of brilliant scientists represented by Dr. Vito …

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