La storia di questo antico circo itinerante ha inizio nel 1842 a Budapest, quando un artista di strada francese, Napoline Zoppè, incontra la talentuosa ballerina equestre Ermenegilda, con la quale si trasferisce a Venezia per fondare insieme il circo che …
Scaffolding, tower cranes, fenced vacant lots, and heavy trucks hauling construction equipment and material are commonplace across the City these days, as San Francisco is in the midst of the greatest construction boom in at least 7 years. Over 140 …
Some of the finest Italian restaurants of Los Angeles gathered together on Saturday, October 12 to showcase and celebrate the culinary tradition of a Country whose millenary taste for good food and wine is world-renowned and appreciated. The 2013 edition …
In occasione del mese italiano della Scienza, il Consolato Generale d’Italia in collaborazione con The Italian Scientists and Scholars of North America Foundation e l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Los Angeles hanno organizzato negli spazi di quest’ultimo una serata dedicata …
It started early in the morning. Then apparently, wouldn’t stop or even let up. The official start time was 10:00 AM but no matter. The onslaught kept on coming and from all over. You couldn’t ask for a better …
Amare o non amare i film di Dario Argento è un segno di riconoscimento di un certo cinefilo. Se sia genio o follia non è del tutto chiaro, ma sicuramente il suo cinema non ha lasciato indifferenti intere generazioni. Dal …
Cari Lettori, Federico Fellini, five-time Academy Award-winning Italian filmmaker, allegedly said, “Language is culture and culture is language.” It sounds like a slogan, but it actually represents the deep meaning behind the founding of L’Italo-Americano 105 years ago. This newspaper began …
A few months ago, when the so-called “sequester” caused the Blue Angels to cancel their annual Fleet Week performance in San Francisco, there were more than a few members of the Italian Community who worried about how that might impact …
In a City where everyone is a self-styled artist, and everything is advertised with marketing buzz-words like “artisanal” and “hand-crafted,” one man’s body of work stands out from the rest. He’s not a painter, or a musician; he’s not an …
On October 24, 2013 the Maestri Monzu will travel from Naples to the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club to celebrate with the Italian, and the Italian American Communities the Mayor of Naples Hon. Luigi de Magistris, and the artists of Naples’ Teatro …