Los Angeles

Ci sono delle somiglianze tra Paolo Sorrentino e Jep Gambardella? Entrambi siete napoletani, vivete a Roma, avete scritto un solo romanzo… Sì,  mi ci ritrovo molto, ho lo stesso sguardo disincantato e un po’ cinico. Ho scritto un solo romanzo …

By Staff

“Beyond La Dolce Vita”, an extraordinary multimedia symphony concert, will be performed on November 22 at UCLA Royce Hall by the Orchestra Italiana del Cinema to honor the 20th anniversary of Federico Fellini’s death. This special tribute to the Italian undisputed …

By Staff

What is so fascinating about celebrities? When we see them in the movies, on the stage, or on the cover of magazines, they look like extraordinary human beings dealing with success and perfection in their lives. And perhaps this is …

Un calendario ricco di appuntamenti prestigiosi per l’eccellenza italiana in diversi campi dell’arte, dal cinema con la rassegna tutta Made in Italy Cinema Italian Style, alla musica con la nomination ai Los Angeles Music Awards 2013 della pianista e compositrice …

By Staff

While waiting for the Golden Globe and Academy Awards coming up, the city of world cinema is getting ready to host Cinema Italian Style 2013. The annual festival dedicated to Italian contemporary cinema will kick off November 14 through the …

By Staff

Hit Week, the annual event that showcases contemporary Italian acts abroad, makes a stop at the Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles. The show is labeled “Unexpected sounds from Italy” for an audience used to associate Italian music to Opera, …

Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia is a unique and exciting experience for riders of all abilities. After New York, Pasadena and Jerusalem, the event took place in Beverly Hills on November 3, featuring two rides of 48 and 90 miles. Starting from Rodeo …

The secret of the happy marriage between Italian cinema and food was revealed on the occasion of Movie’n’Food, a special dinner hosted by the Italian Cultural Institute on November 13, featuring an abundant and exquisite menu inspired by the movies …

Since 2011 the Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles has undergone radical changes, and not only in terms of location, as it now overlooks the entire city from the new offices in Century City. Even more important, its approach …

Ogni lingua presenta le proprie caratteristiche peculiari, e tutte le lingue hanno proprie combinazioni di parole, dette anche “collocazioni”, che i parlanti nativi spesso usano in maniera automatica e senza rendersene conto.   Un esempio di tale fenomeno è rappresentato …

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