Los Angeles

The end of 2014 also marked the end of Michela Magrì’s mandate as a cultural attaché at the Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles. After almost 6 years in sunny California, she will go back to Jakarta, Indonesia, where she …

Massimiliano Finazzer Flory (Monfalcone, 1964), dopo una carriera di attore/regista/drammaturgo teatrale, ha spezzato le barriere tra teatro e cinema, tempo e spazio, presentando, il 13 gennaio presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura, l’anteprima della sua opera cine-teatrale: Marinetti a New York. …

By Staff

A couple of weeks prior to the Christmas Holidays, all the friends of the Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles were invited to celebrate both the fes- tive season and the launch of the 4th itinerary designed for Italy Art …

By Staff

Roberto Croci is one of us. He’s one of many Italians who choose America and the American Dream to live their passion, follow their heart, and fulfill their own dreams. Without the proverbial cardboard suitcase fastened with cord – as …

Non il solito film festival. Social in the World nasce dall’idea innovativa di un gruppo di giovani ed entusiasti professionisti, tutti tra i 18 e i 25 anni, appassionati di cinema e non solo. Fondata dal direttore Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo, …

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For our readers, who are not yet familiar with the Italian-American, very talented, young  filmmaker, Justin Ambrosino, it is enough to say that his thesis short film, The 8th Samurai, won more than 20 jury awards worldwide and qualified for …

Italian cuisine is recognized and appreciated all across the globe. From extremely simple to more refined dishes, what makes the real difference are the genuine ingredients of our tradition.   Yet there was a time in the – not so …

Artistic creations have been a part of culture since the dawn of time. All of this art has contributed to the vast archaeological history present today.   Although many countries all over the world have had a rich amount of …

A quattro anni di distanza dall’ultima mostra, sempre curata da Anna Dusi per Building Bridges Art Exchange, la giovanissima e talentuosa fotografa italiana Tea Falco torna a Los Angeles con una nuova selezione di lavori dal titolo Portraits of the …

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Accanto a Pablo Picasso e Michelangelo Buonarroti, Leonardo Da Vinci rappresenta non soltanto una figura intellettuale di riferimento, ma anche un caso cinematografico dal successo planetario. Le sue scoperte e i suoi inarrivabili traguardi artistici continuano a ispirare registi e …

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