Los Angeles

On June 3rd 2019 the Italian community of LA celebrated the historic day, back in 1946, when a pivotal referendum decided the fate of Italy about being a Monarchy or a Republic. The actual day of celebration was on Sunday …

“This is a very special edition — we have more films, more tv-shows—  but mostly, this edition is dedicated to women: actresses, screen-players, directors. Only 10% of all the productions have women on top levels, so there are still a …

The Italians enter the Christmas spirit with a fragrant, yeasty slice of panettone — Christmas isn’t Christmas without it on our festive tables. We can never get enough of it, especially for us who are Milanese. We have a near-cultish …

Gli elettori italiani che per motivi di lavoro, studio o cure mediche si trovino temporaneamente all’estero, per un periodo di almeno tre mesi, nel quale ricade la data di svolgimento del referendum popolare confermativo (29 marzo 2020) della legge costituzionale …

By Staff

United Colors of Benetton has opened the doors to its first US pop up store in more than 4 years. Located in the Santa Monica Place shopping center, the four-week pop-up event started on October 25, 2019, and will conclude …

“I am very happy for this honorary Oscar. To all women director? I tell them to do good movies.” Italian writer-director Lina Wertmüller flew all the way to Los Angeles from Rome to receive an Oscar for lifetime achievement. David …

L’Ufficio centrale per il referendum della Corte di Cassazione, con ordinanza depositata in data 23 gennaio 2020, ha dichiarato che la richiesta di referendum sul testo di legge costituzionale recante “modifica degli articoli 56, 57 e 59 della Costituzione in …

By Staff

“There is a sort of prequel to this movie: it happened when the producer proposed me to direct a film about Tommaso Buscetta. That’s when I began to read and study, to understand a little more about this unusual man.” …

“I grew up with a passion for gelato and, as an adult, I became obsessed with the idea of sharing my love for this frozen dessert with the whole world,” says Gabriele Poli, founder and President of Gelato Festival, a …

Family life is made of plenty of things: of simplicity and mundanity, of smiles and fights, of daily routine and special moments, of love and many, many memories. Family life, when you think of it, is at the very heart …

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