You know when you are somewhere usually quiet, perhaps sitting on a bench in your favorite corner of the park near home, and it gets all of a sudden strangely busy? Or when you start noticing more and more people …
“The aim of politics is serving the community and serving the community is born and develops within the individual. It’s a vocation, just like that of being a doctor, a priest, or a trader:” this is how Angelo Viro, MAIE‘s vice-president and …
Con oltre trecento opere divise in sette aree tematiche e tredici sezioni – dagli inizi negli anni Cinquanta come illustratore commerciale sino all’ultimo decennio di attività negli anni Ottanta connotato dal rapporto con il sacro – la spettacolare mostra Andy Warhol. La pubblicità …
Fino al 29 ottobre 2022 i visitatori potranno ammirare nell’affascinante cornice del seicentesco Palazzo Borghese a Roma le opere di Francesco Zizola, uno dei fotoreporter italiani più premiati al mondo, vincitore di 10 World Press Photo: una raccolta di 22 fotografie in bianco e nero di grande …
The general elections, an essential moment for all Italians both in Italy and overseas, are approaching. For us Italians abroad, it is important to be actively represented in Parliament, so that our needs are heard and our ideas can help …
There are so many reasons to love Firenze, one of Italy’s most amazing cities: its history, its art, its food, its atmosphere. And it was the home of Dante Alighieri, so poetry permeates everything here: the cradle of Renaissance, Firenze is …
A dream comes true! You are finally in Italy, sitting at a lovely table al fresco, somewhere in Florence – or wherever you fancy, really! With the soft chit-chatting of people around you and the gentle breeze of late summer on …
Obtaining Italian citizenship is not an impossible dream, but it may be a daunting task for many. Between bureaucracy, genealogical research, the possible language barrier and the trips overseas you’d need to take if you tried to handle it all …
MAIE is a movement born abroad, for Italians abroad. It wants to ensure that every member of the Italian nation is fully and rightly represented in Rome so that the voice, needs, ideas, and expectations of Italians around the world become …
Calabria is known for the beauty of its wilderness and its marvelous beaches, as well as, of course, its delicious food. Just like every other region in Italy, Calabria also has a very lively linguistic panorama, with varieties of its dialect …