francesca bezzone

There is a bit of Giovanni della Casa in every Italian, you know. What do you mean, who’s he? Della Casa, that dude who wrote the Galateo, in 1558. Not because we’re more courteous and well educated than others, but …

There are two words that truly define the essence of Italian Carnevale: the  first is maschera, or mask; the second is — of course — Venezia.  While every corner of the country celebrates this time of the year with parades, …

“Napule è mille culure, Napule è mille paure, Napule è a voce d’ ‘e creature che  saglie chiano chianu e tu saje ca nun si sulo:” Naples is a thousand colors, Naples is a thousand fears, Naples is the voice …

There is a bit of Giovanni della Casa in every Italian, you know. What do you mean, who’s he? Della Casa, that dude who wrote the Galateo, in 1558. Not because we’re more courteous and well educated than others, but …

Here  we are, our second week in isolation begins. It’s strange  to think how much our existence has changed in such a short period of time. It’s strange to think something as minuscule as a virus can create such havoc. …

The fourth week on lockdown in Italy starts today, 30th of March. Fifteen days ago, I made a post on L’Italo-Americano Facebook page, asking to you all to tell us what you loved the most about Italy. A place, a …

You don’t need to be a music expert to know the name “Stradivari”  (or Stradivarius, its latinized version). Along with his lesser known, but just as talented, Cremonese luthiers colleagues, Amati and Guarneri, he wrote a considerable piece of the …

Espresso Italiano tradizionale: this is the definition of the coffee Italy wants to present to UNESCO to make it part of its Intangible Heritage List. The candidature proposal was presented on the 2nd  of December to the Camera dei Deputati, …

I won’t speak about data and numbers, about contagion and hospitalizations: you can get all that type of information somewhere else. I’ve even thought whether writing this article was a good idea, whether bringing such a stark note into our …

What would a trip to Rome be without a selfie in front of the Trevi Fountain and the traditional tossing of a coin in its light blue waters? Who hasn’t stood in awe of our capital’s beauty from the Gianicolo, …