…of the Lagoon. Murina glass in used to make jewelry among other things © Dimbar76 | Dreamstime.com Murano is a place where magic exists, it’s the home of glass making,…
…mixed with little pieces of mozzarella called straccetti. This soft delicacy, sweet yet lightly tangy at the same time, must be consumed fresh. In Latium, burrata di latte di bufala…
…content to serve humbly as secretary to the bishop of Rome (John Paul II) without any other fuss and ceremony. This did not mean that he was just another of…
…them ‘Crostoli’, and their name changes throughout Italy. The recipe remains more or less the same, the only real difference I noticed was that some people don’t add butter or…
…ancient type; the triticum dicoccum, the most common because of its high yield and ease of growth; the triticum spelta. In English, the term spelt usually indicates both the dicoccum…
…for the production of red wine made from Pinot Noir grapes. The reputation of Pinot Noir as a communicator of even minute differences in terroir is well established. So distinctly…
…in such a state of disrepair, could Mayor Raggi’s decision, bound to come into effect in April, actually be the most sensible? Every year the Fontana di Trevi attracts millions…
…collision and her arrival in New York City. It features interviews with maritime experts and survivors and archival footage. Post-screening discussion with the director led by Joseph Sciorra, John D….
…polished, they are very different materials, particularly when it comes to their hardness and mineral content. Alabaster is a fine-grained form of gypsum, a sedimentary rock made from tiny crystals…
…artistic discoveries made on both sides of the Atlantic seem to strongly point to it. Did they settle there? Did they entertain commercial relationships with local people? How far did…