What are you going to do today?” asked Sabrina, the owner of Ripa Medici, the adorable two-room B&B I was staying at for a week in Orvieto. Technically in Umbria but off to the side a bit, wedged …
Forty years after their discovery, the impressive stone statues known as the Giants of Monte Prama have been restored through a meticulous effort funded by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the Sardinia Region. Today, they are finally on …
The image of a gondola has for over a century been synonymous not only with Venice, but with European tourism in general. None of the continent’s other famous tourist icons—not the Eiffel Tower, not the Colosseum—so succinctly embodies all at …
There are many reasons to visit the beautiful and lively city of Bologna: it is considered to be one of Italy’s most pleasant towns to live in, its people are friendly and filled with contagious joie-de-vivre and the city center, …
Quanti napoletani sono costretti a vedere la propria città da lontano per esigenze diverse? Ciò che accomuna chi risiede all’estero è un sentimento di malinconia che emerge alla vista di una fotografia che ritrae la città in lontananza. Immaginano quel …
When most think about Sicily, they think of ancient Greek ruins by the bluest of seas; they think of the temples in Agrigento or of the chaotic street markets in Palermo. Yet, there is a quieter side to Sicily: the …
On March 19, hundreds and hundreds of swallows will be back to San Juan Capistrano after a trip of almost 6,000 miles. Yes, very punctually these wonderful birds, on March 19 (Saint Joseph’s Day) every year come back punctually to …
Smaller than nearby Lake Maggiore, lesser known than uber-famous Lake Como, Lake Orta is as charming as his bigger brothers and retains a much intimate, more romantic atmosphere. Located in the northern part of Piedmont, Lake Orta sits at the …
In volo fino a Milano e poi comodamente in auto per pochi chilometri, puntando verso sud e verso la pianura Padana. Ci vuole poco tempo per raggiungere Mantova e Sermoneta ma costerà fatica lasciare queste due città. Sarà successo anche …
Last year I saw a picture on Tumblr of beautiful ruins of a church, now open to the sky. The columns of the nave were huge stone pillars, majestic and mystical. I was instantly enchanted (and immediately began planning my …