The Seventh Art

Jon Favreau is considered a bona fide name among comic books fans. He’s the man who directed the first Iron Man, effectively launching the plethora of super hero movies we all got accustomed to in the past few years. He’s …

One of Italian greatest movie stars who seems to never age and keeps entertaining international audiences with his riveting performances is Giancarlo Giannini. His talent has been recognized all over the world and he has been able to move effortlessly …

No doubt. When it comes to acting, screenwriting, or even funding a major movie, women have excelled in every sector of the entertainment industry. But the one area where females have yet to reign supreme is in the director’s chair. …

Most people identify Louis Lombardi with the tv series The Sopranos where he played the undercover federal agent Skip Lipari responsible for Vincent Pastore’s character demise, but there’s more to this well-versed character actor than meets the eye.   Born …

When the name Giancarlo Esposito appears on the credits of any movie or tv series, those who don’t know what the actor looks like, always look for a typical Italian-American face. When they think they know who it is, they …

The younger generation of Hollywood actors carries the family heritage in their names but they are often unfamiliar with their background. Sometimes all it takes is a trip to the country the ancestors came from to really understand the culture …

Hollywood is a bizarre place. Having an Italian last name, one that is not so easy to pronounce, can be a blessing when you are De Niro or Pacino, but when you are an actor starting out it may become …

They say in Hollywood once a woman is past the age of 40 there are no longer good roles, as a youth-obsessed industry is constantly looking for fresh faces. After reaching that dreaded mark, Academy Award winner Marisa Tomei not …

Italian actors look up to their American colleagues and dream to be one of them. The competition is brutal, but it is possible to succeed, having perseverance and most importantly the right attitude towards the craft. This is the case …

  He has been the tormented vampire Angel on the hit tv-series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and he’s currently on tv as special agent Seeley Booth in yet another hit tv-series Bones.  David Boreanaz is a well beloved tv actor who …

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