
The lighthouse, a mysterious and poetic place, cherished by artists and writers: Virginia Woolf set one of her most popular novels, To the Lighthouse, around one of them, and the immense James Joyce once lived and wrote for days on …

“I always dreamed of working, one day, in the entertainment industry and, being an extremely ambitious person, I had high standards: I wanted to go to Hollywood and become an agent, but especially a producer.”   Oscar Generale’s tenacity brought him exactly where …

Music lovers all over the US received an early Christmas gift last October when Alessandro Safina, renowned operatic tenor, who has become a household name around the world thanks to his passionate and soulful pop opera performances, announced his 2019 …

Being behind the counter and in front of the cooker feels familiar to Carlo Cracco; here he shows us step by step, ingredient after ingredient, how to cook his spaghetti with cocoa beans, purple cabbage and salmon roe.  It is …

“The animator is an artist who could have been an actor but, being very shy, decided to work behind the scenes.” Says Mitja Rabar, the 40 years old Italian animator, whose shyness was balanced out by a great artistic talent …

“Call me! Federico Fellini wants to see you.” When actress Dina Morrone received this message from her agent, she didn’t think much of it and believing it was just a joke, she didn’t call her back. But the famous Italian …

Much has been written about Dr. Federico Faggin, Italian physicist, inventor, and entrepreneur, known for designing the first commercial microprocessor.  But when L’Italo-Americano had the opportunity to interview him, the focus quickly became the man behind the genius. In this …

Composer and Seattle native Mateo Messina has scored the soundtracks for more than 50 films and 100 television episodes and won a Grammy award for scoring the 2007 hit film Juno, yet he might be one of the city’s least-known …

He had two very specific goals for his term in Los Angeles: to answer as best as possible to the needs of the Italian community, and to support Italian excellence in the field of entrepreneurship, cinema, culture, science and, more …

Per Maria Manetti Shrem il 2019 non poteva aprirsi con migliore auspicio e riconoscimento ad una vita e una carriera letteralmente esemplari. Su approvazione del Presidente della Repubblica Italiana, Sergio Mattarella, lo scorso 14 gennaio 2019 le è stata conferita dall’Ambasciatore d’Italia, Armando Varricchio una delle onorificenze più alte mai riconosciute a una donna italiana negli Stati Uniti d’America: Grande …

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