
Se l’Europa allargata punta a diventare unita nella diversità, il Friuli Venezia Giulia è già così.  In una regione incastonata tra le cime delle Alpi, le onde del mar Adriatico, le Dolomiti e le colline del Collio, si incontrano la …

Anno 2013. Gli italiani speravano nella pace in Europa, ma dopo tante discussioni, questa agognata fine delle disastrose battaglie non si realizzava. Anzi, nonostante le “trattative di pace” in corso, la situazione andava peggiorando di giorno in giorno.    Per …

By Staff

How many times we sing a song without knowing its meaning? It happens that when a song becomes part of the collective heritage of a country, we just take the lyrics for granted. All Italians can intone at least the …

The recent debate in New York City regarding stop-and-frisk has once again put the spotlight back on the city’s Police Department.  The controversial policy endorsed and supported by the lame duck Mayor Michael Bloomberg is being used as a campaign …

October in Rome is its own season. During this fleeting Indian summer, morning mist begins to rise from the Tiber, moss traces veins in ancient marble, and the pines on the Janiculum become more fragrant. But the most miraculous thing …

Political correctness aside, Christopher Columbus is arguably the greatest and most important explorer of all times, changing the world and the very course of history.  Vespucci, Verrazano, and the Cabots are just some of the other Italians who lead the …

 Succede spesso di canticchiare una canzone senza saperne il significato. Alle volte, più una canzone entra a far parte del patrimonio musicale collettivo, più si dà per scontato di conoscerne il contenuto verbale.    Tutti possono intonare almeno il primo …

By Staff

Dear Readers, October, the month we traditionally celebrate our Italian Heritage, has unfortunately become the month when mean-spirited slings, arrows and Columbus bashers come out in full force. But be vigilant, those who wish to discredit us are busy throughout …

Anche quest’anno una delegazione dell’Associazione Internazionale “Joe Petrosino” di Padula (Salerno) sarà a New York, per partecipare ad eventi e manifestazioni organizzate per il Columbus Day.    Tra le tante, nel Palazzo di vetro sede dell’Anps sezione di New York-New …

There was something about Yogi Berra that simply did not attract attention.  Even his military buddies doubted his ability to play baseball, a judgment which was based solely on his appearance.  Not long after being discharged from the military, Yogi …

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