
When Lorenzo II de Medici’s only child, Catherine, was born in Florence in 1519, he had no idea she would someday be France’s greatest queen.  Both he and her mother died shortly after, and she was raised by relatives, who …

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Easter is the most important holiday in the Christian world, on par with Christmas, as it commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Besides religious practices, each culture has its own ways of celebrating this festivity, which reflect people’s lifestyles and …

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A mile and a half from the Circus Maximus, sheep graze in Caffarella Park. Warming themselves in the April sun, they are indifferent to the ruins of towers and mausoleums and oblivious to an annual rite of spring. Shepherds gather …

Dear Readers, When Shirley Jane Temple was born April 23, 1928, in Santa Monica, California, little did her parents George and Gertrude dream that their little “bambina” would influence the next decade more than any other child in the century. …

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Since Antonio Meucci invented the telephone – and yes, by now the whole world knows it wasn’t Alexander Graham Bell who invented it – so much has changed, especially given the recent news.   Last month, the Michigan State House …

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Rome’s Nativity. April 21st in the year 753 B.C. The legend tells of a founding at the hands of Romulus and Remus, sons of Rhea Silvia and Mars, belonging to the dynasty of Alba Longa, founded by Ascanio son of …

Guido Piovene, scrittore e giornalista vicentino, fu in America tra l’autunno del 1951 e quello dell’anno seguente.    Viaggiava a briglie sciolte per gli States, e dal suo viaggiare trasse oltre un centinaio di articoli di varia natura, che venivano …

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I recently had the chance to spend some time in various cities in the United States and Canada, where I attended several community events and celebrations. These are great opportunities for me to get in touch with my constituents and …

Ironically, the most well-loved manufactured two-wheeled object of Italian pride takes its name from one of the most hated and petulant insects, a wasp, vespa in Italian.   While the new Vespa campaign aims to target people who follow their …

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Quello che lega Francesco De Pinedo agli Stati Uniti è un anno, il 1927, e un lago, il lago Roosevelt in Arizona. In quello specchio d’acqua, il 16 aprile, l’idrovolante Santa Maria andò in fiamme, a causa di una banale …

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