
Every two years, on even years, the Venice Biennale of Architecture takes place in Venice in two beautiful locations, the “Giardini” and the “Corderie dell’Arsenale”.  The same organization produces the well-known Venice Film Festival and the Venice Biennale, a contemporary …

I’ve reviewed factors that are important in determining an immigrant ancestor’s name as it was used in Italy and Sicily.     Once the name is known it can be used in searching for other information about the person, that …

By Staff

Sometimes speed really makes the difference – like if you are a police officer chasing criminals on the Italian highways -, and this must be the assumption upon which the long-standing relationship between Lamborghini and Italy’s State Police is based. …

By Staff

Dear Readers, A May mix of Italian connections: Aldo Colombini (1951-2014) left us recently and the world of magic lost one of its greatest contributors. Aldo was my husband’s favorite magician and when we celebrated fifty years of matrimonial magic …

By Staff

One of the largest amphibious invasions ever to take place in world history began on June 6th, 1944. Against all odds American, Canadian and English troops stormed the beaches of Normandy, France and were confronted by a barrage of German …

Dear Readers, Festa della Repubblica, simply stated, commemorates June 2, 1946, the date the Italian people were asked to VOTE in a referendum and choose between a Republican form of government or a return to the Monarchy.  Here is a …

From third century B.C. Syracuse, Sicily, the long and winding journey of the oldest surviving copy of Archimedes’ treatises ended up in twenty-first century California.   There are only a few days left to visit the exhibition “Lost and Found: The …

By Staff

For those unfamiliar with the design world, the name Massimo Vignelli doesn’t mean much. But if shown the logos of American Airlines or Ford, or a shopping bag from Bloomingdale’s, it becomes clear immediately how much Massimo Vignelli’s work is …

“Santa Lucia, luntana ‘a te, quanta malincunia! Se gira ‘o munno sano, se va a cerca’ fortuna, ma quanno sponta ‘a luna, luntana a Napule nun se po’ sta!”.    È la strofa della canzone Santa Lucia, scritta da E.A. …

By Staff

Oggi esordisco con una poesia, il Sonetto di Paradiso da “Cuor morituro (1925-1930)” di Umberto Saba (1883 – 1957).   Mi viene in sogno una bianca casetta, sull’erto colle, dentro un’aria affatto tranquilla; e il verde del colle è compatto e …

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