
A un secolo di distanza dal catastrofico terremoto che sconvolse l’Abruzzo, e in particolare Avezzano e la Marsica, l’editore D’Abruzzo-Menabò presenta l’edizione in lingua italiana del racconto “Civita d’Antino”, una straordinaria testimonianza di quella tragedia del poeta e scrittore danese …

During November, Americans bring chrysanthemums to Roman social events. These New England and Midwestern transplants mean well. What could brighten an autumn engagement party at Cul de Sac or a Thanksgiving banquet at AUR better than mums? Gasps of horror …

Year: 1934.  Region: Abruzzo, Italy.  You: A poor farmer plowing your field.  Discovery: One of the most archeologically significant finds in your country’s history.   Amidst the Gran Sasso National Park in the Province of L’Aquila, a nearly 7-foot limestone …

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Dear Readers, Giovanni da Verrazzano’s namesake New York, double-decked suspension bridge which lost a z in the translation, turns 50 this month. Then New York Mayor, Robert F. Wagner cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. The upper level of …

Recently a student and I were having a discussion about Pearl Harbor and the detrimental impact it had on the Japanese American population.  From our conversation I realized the student was unaware of how Italians were also mistreated and classified …

Who do you want to be when you grow up? “I want to be an astronaut,” many young boys – and a few girls – would answer. Some of them actually make it, including 37-year old ESA/ASI astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, …

Two days ago, in Carbognano in the Resurrection Chapel of the town church, restorers from the “Soprintendenza ai beni storico artistici del Lazio” (Superintendency for Lazio’s historical and artistic properties) noticed that the Resurrection frescos continued behind the altar. Upon …

In a few months, the travelling exhibition of Michelangelo’s precious  drawings from Casa Buonarroti, Florence, will proceed to Nashville and Phoenix, after having had its only Canadian venue in Toronto, at the Art Gallery of Ontario. Michelangelo (1475-1564), was a …

Monuments are problematic, especially official state or national monuments. They dictate to the viewer what to think.  How do we commemorate without dictating?  Mount Rushmore’s intended message does not stop Douglas Gladstone in Carving a Niche for Himself from problematizing …

L’orgoglio delle radici. Il riconoscimento delle positività espresse dagli italiani di ieri e di oggi. In un’intervista al Corriere della Sera, il sindaco di New York, Bill De Blasio è stato molto chiaro: “Sono americano, ma sono orgoglioso delle mie …

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