
Turin got back its Egyptian museum after a 50-million-euro revamp and three years of renovation work. For the first time, visitors will have the chance to see the whole of the museum, famous for housing the world’s second-largest collection of Egyptian …

By Staff

Dear Readers, April marks the 141st anniversary of the birth of the great Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi. April also marks the month when Guglielmo Marconi, born in Bologna April 25, 1874, was hailed worldwide as a benefactor and hero to …

It will be hard not to get emotional by looking at the three Crucifixes by Donatello displayed in one solo exhibition called “Donatello unveiled. Masterpieces in comparison “, set in the halls of the Diocesan Museum of Padua, from March …

By Staff

The portraits of twenty eight wise men, scattered during the 17th century, have been temporarily reunited and coming back to the Studiolo of Duke Federico da Montefeltro, in the Palazzo Ducale of Urbino. Around 1476, Federico da Montefeltro had a …

By Staff

Hidden between plants, Carabinieri found a precious statue of the Roman II-III century. A.D. depicting the god Mithras slaying the bull stolen through a clandestine excavation in Tarquinia. It has been estimated that the work value may be around 8 …

By Staff

Another mainstay of Italian culture has succumbed to the tentacles of realty developers in New York City.  De Robertis, an Italian pasticceria and café, for nearly 110 years, has closed permanently.  De Robertis Pastry Shoppe, where New York Yankee’s Shortstop, …

Dear Readers,   April – Aprile comes from the Latin word aperire which means to open.   1. April Fool’s Day is a day people usually play silly pranks, so be alert. The United States orbited the first weather satellite …

  Since the advent of travel in the Medieval period, Italy has always been the focus of European voyagers. In the beginning, early travel books were written as guides for the Medieval religious pilgrim seeking Christian sites in Italy. With …

In 325 A.D. the Nicean Council decided Easter would be celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the Spring Equinox, unless the first full moon also rose on a Sunday, in which case Easter would be …

The Golden Altar at the front of the nave was made in 835: the wonderful masterpiece of the golden altar for the Basilica of Saint Ambrose was commisioned by Bishop Erminio De Scalzi who was very careful about the iconographic details.  …

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