La vita italiana

“Parla come mangi!” (speak as you eat!) is a common way to invite someone to speak in a simple manner and without using too many words. But do Italians really speak as they eat? Considering that we love our food, …

If you are familiar with all that’s trending on YouTube, then  you may know The Pasta Grannies, a channel with more than  400.000 subscribers where each video is  dedicated to Italian nonne and  the  way they  make traditional, delicious pasta …

There’s something heart-wrenching in witnessing art, architecture, beauty, being damaged and defiled. There’s that dull ache at the pit of the stomach, an ache that rises up and clenches its hands around your  throat, making it hard  to breath. It’s …

Roma, the head of the world: that’s what our ancestors used to say and that’s what our title is  about. The city has been  going  through some difficult times lately  and  we’d ideally  like to cheer   her  up by  …

Winter is such a fantastic time of the year. It’s my favorite season and I just love it. The snow, the chilly air, the color of the sky. Everything is just perfect.  Winter is also a season that lends itself …

Espresso Italiano tradizionale: this is the definition of the coffee Italy wants to present to UNESCO to make it part of its Intangible Heritage List. The candidature proposal was presented on the 2nd  of December to the Camera dei Deputati, …

There is a bit of Giovanni della Casa in every Italian, you know. What do you mean, who’s he? Della Casa, that dude who wrote the Galateo, in 1558. Not because we’re more courteous and well educated than others, but …

Before pasta, there was Lady Salad. Today we can taste all kinds of spectacular insalatone or large salads, yet the first to prepare raw leafy vegetables drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with salt and cumin were the Ancient Romans. The root …

We’ve been living in a new decade for almost two weeks, and so many things have already happened. Yet, the month of January is, more often than not, a time when we look back at what  we did and  set …

What would a trip to Rome be without a selfie in front of the Trevi Fountain and the traditional tossing of a coin in its light blue waters? Who hasn’t stood in awe of our capital’s beauty from the Gianicolo, …

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