
The Vatican Museums, Musei Vaticani, were officially founded by Pope Benedict XIV in 1756, although Pope Julius II started the collection in 1503 when he set the statue of Apollo in the inner courtyard of Pope Innocent VIII’s Belvedere Palace. …

The portrait of “La Bella Principessa” (“The Beautiful Princess”), also known as “A Young Fiancée”, is an extraordinary portrait in colored chalks and ink on vellum paper, representing a young lady from Milano in fashionable costume and hairstyle of the …

On Saturday, January 17th, it took place the third edition of the Italian National Dialect and Local Languages’ Day, jointly organized by The National Union: Pro Loco, Lazio Legautonomie, the Documentation Center For Dialect Poetry “Vincenzo Scarpellino”, the International Center …

With seven churches in one, it’s easy to get lost in Bologna’s Church of Santo Stefano, commonly called the “New Jerusalem”. Modeled after the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, the seven churches that make up Santo Stefano are …

Natale è alle porte, è giunto il tempo di allestire luccicanti alberi natalizi (una consuetudine tipicamente nordica) ma anche di preparare, con metodica cura e precisione, tradizionali presepi. C’è chi è combattuto, da sempre, fra la scelta dell’albero di Natale …

By Staff

On September 17th 1515, Cardinal Ippolito d’Este wrote a letter to the Marquis of Mantova announcing that Ludovico Ariosto had just finished writing “Orlando Furioso” (Mad Orlando). The epic poem was published in 1516, and soon became the first best …

Due giorni prima del Giorno della Memoria, Alessandra Di Castro, direttrice del Museo Ebraico di Roma, è arrivata al Memoriale dell’Olocausto di New York City per rilanciare il progetto per il ritrovamento di oltre 5.000 volumi su 7.000 trafugati dai …

The Roman Empire was the largest empire in classical antiquity, and among the most powerful economic, cultural, political and military forces of its time. At its zenith in 117 AD, it covered 6.8 million square kilometers and held sway over …

La Calabria ha beni di immenso valore che tutto il mondo ci invidia. Sono una grossa componente culturale, turistica e anche economica della vita regionale. Ma molti di questi beni rischiano di essere persi irrimediabilmente. Preziose testimonianze della storia dell’umanità. …

By Staff

S.F. Vanni, the oldest running Italian bookstore in the United States, has released news of its end-of-January reopening in New York City.  The bookstore was first founded in 1884 by the Sicilian (Caltagirone) Sante Fortunato Vanni in Greenwich Village at …

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