San Francisco

A ninety-five year birthday party is a big deal. The San Francisco Italian Athletic Club (SFIAC) is going to celebrate its 95th birthday with its annual Festa Coloniale Italiana on August 11th. This free event is also the club’s way …

By Staff

“Una mattina mi son svegliato!” When audience members attend this year’s Festa Coloniale Italiana on August 11th they will be hearing one of the foremost proponents of Italian American music in the country—the six-piece band Bella Ciao.   All day long, …

By Staff

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has named Bishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone to serve as the Ninth Archbishop of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, replacing the Most Reverend George Hugh Niederauer who is retiring at the age of seventy-six. The descendent …

By Staff
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In Italian
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