San Francisco

Every year, the most important Italian-American organization in the United States awards scholarships to outstanding students in the summer for use during the following academic year.    The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) has recently announced that Ariana Alva Ferrari …

By Staff

L’organizzazione italo-americana più importante a livello nazionale, ovvero il NIAF, National Italian American Foundation, ha di recente conferito una consistente borsa di studio ad Ariana Alva Ferrari, studente della San Francisco State University di origini italiane.   Fondato nel lontano …

By Staff

“Bruno Bozzetto: Animation, Maestro!” si chiama così la mostra dedicata al grande animatore, fumettista, regista, sceneggiatore e produttore cinematografico italiano.   Voluta dal Walt Disney Family Museum e Graffiti Media Factory, in collaborazione con l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di San …

For the whole month of January, the Museo Italo Americano of San Francisco will present a series of illustrated lectures dedicated to the quintessential beauty of Italy: “Attentive Eyes,” “Historic Center of Florence,” and “Venice and its Lagoon.” The first …

Credited as “one of the most important showcases for the contemporary guitar” by The San Francisco Chronicle, International Guitar Night (IGN) is a long-standing Bay Area tradition known for its friendly and informal ambiance, as well as its exceptional guitar …

Necessity is the mother of all invention. It’s been proven time and time again, and for blooming tech company Mashape (mash + shape, pronounced muh-shape), the story is no different. The idea for a mass-market API store was born out …

Ogni mese, l’associazione Leonardo Da Vinci di San Francisco invita un esponente di rilievo della comunità della Bay Area a tenere una conferenza su un tema specifico legato alla cultura italiana.   Lo scorso 16 gennaio, iniziando il ciclo di …

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The 2014 Winter Fancy Food Show in San Francisco closed last week, following a three-day exhibition of more than 80,000 hand-crafted, artisan foods and beverages from more than 1,300 exhibitors from across the U.S. and around the world. Now on …

While in Italy, countless cities and towns are hosting representations of the historic Presepe Vivente, the Italian Community in San Francisco has its own characteristic Living Nativity, inspired by the very first one created by Saint Francis of Assisi. Christmas …

Se il 2014 si appresta ad essere l’anno di rilancio della lingua italiana in California, grande importanza riveste l’esame Advanced Placement, offerto ogni anno a maggio per gli studenti delle scuole superiori, come completamento di studio a livello universitario.   …

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