
On February 13th at The Broad Stage Performing Arts Theater in Santa Monica, Maestro Andrea Morricone gave his special Valentine Day’s gift to all lovers in the greater Los Angeles area: his concert, Cinematic Visions – New Arrangements of Timeless …

With such a deep passion for both Italian culture and U.S innovation, Italian-American Cosimo Pizzulli has definitely left his mark in both worlds.  A sculptor, interior designer, and innovator himself, Cosimo has become the head of an architectural firm that …

From theatre and cinema to figurative arts: at this point of his career, Max Papeschi, the Italian artist with the first institutional solo exhibition in the United States, achieved an immediate success among both the critics and the public thanks …

Since 1905, the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) founded in New York City by Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro has played a key role in preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of American of Italian descent. Among the 55 lodges …

The words piazza and plaza have the same Greek origin (although some scholars insist the origin is Latin), with plaza being the Spanish adaption and piazza the Italian one. Let’s opt for Italian for the purposes of this article! When …

The 10th edition of the Los Angeles, Italia Film, Fashion, and Art Festival, housed in the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, took place during the week before the Academy Awards, from February 15th to 21st. The festival presented 51 Italian …

Quando si dice Hollywood e cinema, solitamente si pensa a glamour, moda, stelle e successo. Il più delle volte, però, si dimentica quello che sta dietro alla macchina da presa: ore di lavoro estenuanti, prove, errori, scene buone, momenti ironici. …

By Staff

In una delle scene più celebri di “Miseria e Nobiltà” (film di Mario Mattioli del 1954 interpretato da Totò), a un gruppo di popolani napoletani squattrinati viene servita un’intera pentola di pasta al pomodoro. Non solo: due camerieri ben vestiti …

By Staff

Reduce dall’acclamato successo al Metropolitan di New York, l’appassionato e vibrante Hoffman, vola a Los Angeles per esibirsi in uno straordinario recital di liriche da camera e arie d’opera. Abilmente accompagnato dal pianista italo–americano Vincenzo Scalera, maestro collaboratore al Teatro …

By Staff

Former President Ronald Reagan was the only movie star to ever become President of the United States.   For some odd reason, there has never been a biopic film about Ronald Reagan, until now. Italian-American and ex-Disney Channel star, David …

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