Los Angeles

Se diciamo “Giuseppe Verdi”, qual è la prima cosa che vi viene in mente? Se ci state ancora pensando, possiamo darvi un aiutino…”La donna è mobile, qual piuma al vento”… Ecco, ora canterete l’aria più famosa del Rigoletto per il …

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  Los Angeles dice addio a un amico che ha contribuito a salvare uno dei tesori dell’arte popolare italiana.    William T. Cartwright  William T. Cartwright   William T. Cartwright si è spento qualche giorno fa, lasciando il ricordo della …

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  Federated Italo-Americans of Southern California, confederation of Italian groups, companies and Institutions of the area, celebrated the 67th Anniversary of the Republic of Italy with a special gala night at Casa Italiana, a landmark for many generations of Italians …

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  The global style of Giò Ponti, one of the Italian artists most loved in the US, will be on show in the Hollywood Hills, with unique works such as the “L.A. Cathedral” and a selection of vintage pieces of …

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  At the edge of Italy, surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, between Europe and Africa, is beautiful Sicily…or Sicilia Bedda, as locals would call their beloved ancient isle. Numerous cultures flourished here, which is why Sicily is home to incredible …

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  Una festa universale quella che celebra tutti i papà del mondo. C’è chi festeggia con una giornata in famiglia, e chi invece preferisce farlo in compagnia di una star. SiminHashemizadeh, imprenditrice di successo di base a Los Angeles, sembra …

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  UCLA Film & Television Archive and the Hugh M. Hefner Classic American Film Program celebrate the centennial of Hollywood legend Burt Lancaster with a series dedicated to his films. Two of them are alsomasterpieces directed by Italian Luchino Visconti …

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  A conference on the Making of Southern California to homage Italy and its birthday anniversary. Yes, because in the process of becoming what California is today, a lot was done by Italians.   Immigrants who left their country for …

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  An essay on the Renaissance to fly to Florence and study the Italian history: it’s the initiative promoted by The Palazzo Strozzi Foundation USA, which has recently announced the winners of the Los Angeles edition.   Ambitious 11th grade …

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“The Ginzburg Geography Project” è il titolo dello spettacolo messo in scena dal gruppo musicale Charming Hostess e presentato lo scorso 5 giugno all’Italian Cultural Institute di Los Angeles. Di cosa si tratta? Ce lo spiega Alberto Di Mauro, direttore …

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