Los Angeles

L’intensa e proficua collaborazione tra il Consolato Generale d’Italia e l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Los Angeles, specificamente nel settore del design Made in Italy, si è concretizzata già nel 2013 nella mostra dedicata all’artista milanese Gio’ Ponti, ospitata contemporaneamente …

By Staff

An exclusive performance of classically trained Maestro Gabriele Ciampi conducting his CentOrchestra was held at the Italian Cultural Institute on Thursday, June 5, under the auspices of the Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles. Featuring an 18 piece orchestra …

In 2001, the creative artist and performer Darrell Fusaro had the opportunity to get closer to his Italian heritage for the first time in his life. His grandparents were part of the first generation of immigrants to the U.S. who …

Whether you are familiar with “Oprah”, “The Tonight Show”, The Big Lebowski, or Nickelodeon’s “Hey Arnold”, you can’t miss comedian Dom Irrera. Not just because of his bulgy build, which he often jokes about, but because of his charismatic persona when he …

La settimana scorsa si è conclusa la ventesima edizione del Los Angeles Film Festival, tenutasi dall’11 al 19 Giugno presso il Los Angeles Live Center situato nel cuore della città.   Quest’anno sono stati presentati oltre duecento film e video …

By Staff

Il Dottor Renato Giordano, Presidente e CTO di ASIT (Advanced Systems & Integrated Technologies) Engineering Corporation, compagnia leader in innovazione tecnologica per applicazioni biomedicali con sede in Costa Mesa, è l’ideatore del progetto EASYDIAL™, che è stato presentato il 4 …

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Doradus: a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere. It must have been written in the stars that Fernando Scarpa and Mara New would meet and make their first film “Doradus”, premiering at the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival on June 25th. “Doradus” …

By Staff

He’s her husband… she’s his wife … the other girl is the lover … but whose lover?! “The Perfect Lover” (L’Amante Perfetto), playing at the Hollywood Fringe Festival this June, brings new meaning to the phrase “all’s fair in love …

By Staff

A beautiful loft in the heart of Downtown, a panoramic rooftop with a pool and a scenic view over the skyline, a professional equipment suitable for big production companies. Definitely not a bad way of introducing themselves to prospective clients! …

A special award to certify the authenticity and quality offered by representatives of the Italian hospitality industry in the world, the so-called “Marchio Q” (Quality Label) was established in Rome in 1997. Originally bestowed exclusively on hotels, it was soon …

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