Los Angeles

Black walls and suffused lighting, Italian Tramer Art Lounge immediately stands out as something new and different from most art galleries in town. In fact, it has been conceived by its founder, Italian photographer Maddalena Patrese, as a space of …

Christmas is coming, marking the end of quite a challenging year for L’Italo-Americano, which has undertaken some major changes mainly relating to its digital platforms. Besides an increase in general content and news from the local communities, the newspaper has …

Taking office as Consul General in Los Angeles, one of the largest Italian American communities of the United States, is a big responsibility. The first challenge that Honorable Antonio Verde needs to face is getting acquainted with a vast and …

Pasadena is the home of Contessa Chocolate Collection where you can have a cup of espresso while you savor some Italian cuisine.   The “Contessa” of Pasadena is Maria Luisa Fabbri who has been delighting customers for the past 15 …

A group of smart, beautiful, and socially active women, the D.I.V.E. of Los Angeles invited a guest of honor to their November meeting: Consul General of Italy Antonio Verde. His mandate in the U.S. has just begun, and all of …

During the November 10, 2014 meeting (#37), the Council of Ministers has approved, among other things, a measure that postpones the Elections of the members of COMITES (Commitees of Italians Abroad) to April 17th, 2015. Consequently the deadline to present …

Domenica 30 novembre 2014 la Casa Italiana ha ospitato una delle prime feste natalizie della stagione, sponsorizzata da Santo Padre Pio Society, con presidente Maria Bruno, e da Maria SS. di Costantinopoli Society, presieduta da Joe Deligio.   Dopo la …

By Staff

La presenza di Sophia Loren a Hollywood è ormai un fatto raro e il privilegio di poterla vedere oggi, su un red carpet, rappresenta un’occasione unica per chiunque ami il cinema. A 80 anni, l’attrice italiana ha ancora il potere …

By Staff

A month ago, Antonio Verde began his mandate as Consul General of Italy in Los Angeles, with jurisdiction also over Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada. His term of office will hopefully last 4 years, allowing him to implement a complete …

“Dopo un’infanzia segnata dai film di Billy Wilder e un’ossessione per la Nutella, ho lavorato per anni a Rai Tre, come sceneggiatrice per Un Posto Al Sole e collaboratrice ai testi e regista per il programma Sfide”.   Leggere il …

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