barbara minafra
L’edizione 2019 ha registrato un esordio clamoroso con la presenza di quattro Premi Oscar: Tornatore, Piovani, Quaranta e Morricone. Ma ha avuto un finale altrettanto meritorio per i numeri che è riuscito a raggiungere in termini di coinvolgimento del pubblico. …
Domenico Di Salvo arrived on Ellis Island on September 5, 1907. He had left on the 23 rd of August on the Koenig Albert steamer, which had been used only for a few years on the profitable Genoa-Naples-New York route. …
Five biplanes dive down into their targets. The head of the group noses up and makes a full loop, while the others fringe off while turning upside down, only to dive down once more. Their trajectories criss cross those of …
It is the oldest cinema event in the world after the Oscars. Its 76 editions do not only show the way contemporary visual arts evolved, but also how men and women of all cultures and nationalities described their vision of …
E’ un piccolo, prezioso, tesoro. Racconta una storia antichissima che risale alla Guerra di Troia ma ha un finale contemporaneo ben più importante: l’eroe greco Aiace Telamonio è riemerso dal passato per farsi ammirare a 111 anni dal suo ritrovamento …
To what degree does the big screen, rather than a novel, a work of art, an actor, or a monument identify Italy and Italians? And to what degree are we able to overcome, to change, our image after we have …
It is considered the photo of the century. He has not (yet) won the Pulitzer but has shown Einstein’s General Relativity. With two super-computers, one at Boston’s MIT, and a network of radio telescopes from 12 to 30 meters in …
Vorrà dire qualcosa se gran parte della musica strumentale, classica e operistica ancora oggi parla italiano e porta la lingua nazionale nel mondo. A partire dal secondo ’600, la musica per archi, soprattutto per sonata e concerto, con le denominazioni …
“My grandfather had a dream: becoming successful in America. I am part of that dream, and I am part of Giovinazzo, where my father, my grandfather and my grandmother were born.” These aren’t the words of any Italian-American, one that …
Everything started with the Aeronautica Militare’s first flights to bring back home all the Italians living in China. They lived, worked, studied in Wuhan, in that far away, incredibly modern province where a virus we believed distant had begun killing. …