…to the spiritual needs of the Italian-speaking faithful wherever they lived in the city.  Mount Virgin was established in 1911 on the site of an older church called St. Boniface,…

…owned one of the Prince’s former houses close to the ancient Etruscan Palo site. The building had grand porticos and unique Roman arches that Getty admired. He decorated it as…

…monks settled there. Fishing also took hold, and it subsequently became the site of the annual tuna mattanza. While the practice is no longer allowed there today, Pizzo remains home…

…Italy’s Chamber of Commerce. The Locali Storici d’Italia, in particular, created an excellent guide and a website to lead the curious tourist to some true national treasures, symbols of the…

…a showcase for elegant architecture and culture. Today, this UNESCO World Heritage site is also famous for chocolate! But this isn’t standard fare: Modica’s chocolate is the direct descendent of…

…who are waiting to transfer to another site.  A violent rainstorm one evening forces these two groups, normally enemies, into a short truce and tentative co-existence. The two main characters,…

…fine cashmere combed from these goats. Nora employs several local professional hand-knitters to create these exquisite cashmere products on display in her shop – each one is unique, a piece…

…currently resides there. Alessandrini is known for her complex site-specific installations which use controlled environments to explore the relationship of light to space. She sometimes adds video, music or computerized…

…was built on a pre-Christian site established in the 4th century BC. While restoring the church during the mid-20th century, archaeologists found “grotta-cella,” tombs containing human skeletons and funerary objects,…

…ceiling of Cagli’s Teatro Communale (community theater) built in 1878, and an adjoining flat marble slab representing Torrione Martiniano, a 15th-century tower, now a visitor site, all that remains of an ancient fortress. …