San Diego skyline.Image by David Mark from Pixabay
“Little Italy as a community, has the highest quality of life in the downtown area,” according to Annie MacMillan Eichman, President of The Little Italy Residents Association (LIRA).  She stated that LIRA is a “church centric, community based organization built by early Italian and Portuguese fisherman. Running her office from her townhouse in San Diego, she said that her goal is to “honor those early traditions and continue to foster them.”
The President of LIRA has been educated in Literature and Art and has spent much time working with celebrities and some of Hollywood’s finest. She has also dabbled in freelance writing and has aspirations to pursue writing more. “If I ever get a chance and time to do it,” she smiled.” I am so busy with LIRA and so many activities around town, that I’m afraid if I don’t keep a journal, I’ll never get any writing done.”
Other functions near and dear to Eichman’s heart, in addition to her position at LIRA, Eichman also contributes and participates in meetings of The Foundation for Parks and Open Spaces in Little Italy; The Board of Downtown Resident Group and the Advisory Board for The Little Italy Foundation (LIA).
“LIRA was founded over 20 years ago by these fishermen, said Eichman, adding that “Little Italy didn’t look anything like it does today. There were many empty lots back then.” She added that the community was growing rapidly, and residents wanted a voice in its development. Although early meetings were sparsely attended, when she took over the meetings began getting larger and larger.
 “Half of our membership is core Columbia who live right next to us, and everyone who lives and works in Little Italy,” said Eichman. She praised the fine work that here associates do to assist her and the community, adding that her Chief Executive Officer is Marco Li Mandri of The Little Italy Association (LIA), an organization with similar goals. Eichman said that LIRA provides a friendly atmosphere in which to meet new people.
“The meetings began building to a very large population until we had nearly a little over 250 members,” recalled the president. Currently there are approximately 30 to 60 members of LIRA who attend meetings which are held every other month at the Fire House Museum in Little Italy. LIRA’s board of directors like to look for, and provide residents things to which they wouldn’t normally have access. Notices of LIRA’s meetings are posted in over two dozen residential buildings and businesses throughout the Italian community.
Their next meeting is scheduled for September 25th which will be a forum. Attending this meeting will be honored guests Democratic Congressman Scott Peters and Republican Congressional Candidate Carl De Maio. “We want to find out where they stand on issues important to us, said Eichman. “What have they accomplished regarding issues that impact our Downtown neighborhoods?”
Eichman said that her organization supports many community activities that enrich the lives of local business owners and their employees, as well as those who simply come to visit and enjoy the unique part of town known as Little Italy. She likes to keep Members well-informed with up-to-date communications while also encouraging involvement in civic activities. Additionally, her organization works closely in concert with law enforcement to keep the Community safe and welcoming.

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