The word arzillo is an adjective used to describe someone as lively, spry, or vigorous, often implying a surprising level of energy despite age or expectations. It conveys a sense of being spirited and active, and it’s frequently used to describe elderly people who are still energetically engaged in life: Hai visto come è arzillo il nonno di Joe! Non si direbbe che ha 90 anni (“Have you noticed how lively Joe’s grandpa is? You wouldn’t tell he is 90”).

The etymology of arzillo isn’t really clear: some speculate that it may originate from the German word herz (heart), suggesting something that “has heart” and beats vigorously. However, a more likely derivation is from the Latin verb ardere, meaning to burn, implying a sense of fiery energy or passion that continues to burn strong despite aging. The Latin origin does match its modern use to indicate someone with a lively and spirited demeanor.
Today, arzillo is still commonly used in a variety of contexts, particularly when commenting positively on an older person’s high energy levels. It can be seen in everyday conversation as well as in literature, where it may describe characters in a way that highlights their zestful disposition against the typical expectations of aging.
Be careful though, because sometimes arzillo also means, in familiar language, that you’ve had a drink too many: Ha bevuto una bottiglia di rosso… guardalo, come è arzillo! (“He drank a whole bottle of red… look at him, look how merry he is!”).
A little curiosity: in Tuscany, vino arzillo can mean “sparkling wine.”
- Ho un gatto di 20 anni, ma vedessi com’è arzillo!
- My cat is 20, but you should see how spry he is!
- Ma come fa ad essere così arzillo di prima mattina?
- How can he be so energetic this early in the morning?