A photo contest launched by the Italian website has elected, through its users’ votes, the most gorgeous harbour in Italy. The 2.0 platform is used to share the most beautiful photos and each week there is a …
Imagine the waves slapping the hull and above, the sail snapping smartly in a gentle breeze and the quiet sing-song of a sailboat gliding across the sea. All around you only the bluest of skies and the crystal clear waters …
Legambiente e Touring Club have picked Castiglione della Pescaia as the top destination for 2015. The village lies between the blue Tirreno sea and the Tuscan green hills: it boasts beautiful beaches with pine forests that reach Marina di Grosseto …
My first night at the Castello Verrazzano (yes, the bridge in New York is named after Captain Verrazzano) in Greve leaves me refreshed and eager to explore the new surroundings. I hike up the half mile to the castle from …
UNESCO has announced in Paris, during the Man and the biosphere Committee meeting, that three Italian sites have been added to the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, those “places where to learn about sustainable development aiming to reconcile the conservation of …
The origins of gelato are unclear and several Italian towns claim to be the birthplace of this best loved dessert, but one thing we know for sure: after the proliferation of industrial gelaterie and pre-packaged ice cream, in the past …
Padova was for century under the control of the Republic of Venice, and its structure and history are very tied to the Serenissima. Just to give you an idea, most of the canals (that you can also see on the …
Our Italian Buddy gives us some tips on how to face the crowds where visiting the Lagoon. Venice has 56 thousand inhabitants, and is visited every year by 20 million tourists, it’s easy to see how the ratio among …
Saint Peter’s basilica in Rome and Milan’s cathedral are in the top ten landmarks chosen worldwide by TripAdvisor’s users, the popular travel website. St Peter’s was chosen as the number six world place in the 2015 TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice …
Penny takes us around the vicoletti in Rome’s Trastevere, well known for keeping the historical soul of the city alive. This particular cafe, on Vicolo del Piede, in the Trastevere neighborhood of Rome, is often photographed for obvious reasons – …