The Seventh Art
It’s rare these days to find a young actor that makes an everlasting impression. Many, albeit talented, resembles similar qualities, perhaps because they mostly come from the Disney channel school. This is not the case for Michael Pitt, who has …
The life of Massimo Troisi ended all too soon. But what a life he had, and what a gift he gave. Born in the small town of San Giorgio a Cremano near Napoli, Massimo seemed to have a singular mission …
Sometimes, in life, we see a person do one thing and that one thing defines the very essence of who he or she is. Maybe it is the way you cook, that precise blending of ingredients, which shows what a …
On August 27th movie lovers, directors, celebrities, writers, and journalists will take a boat or a “gondola” to celebrate cinema. It’s the 71st Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Venezia, the Venice International Film Festival, which takes place every year in …
The first thing that I notice about actress Marina Pennafina is her voice. There are some voices that I could sit back and listen to all day. She possesses one of them. It is sultry, intelligent, rich. And while looking …
Winning an award in the entertainment industry is often much more than just a pat on the back or placing a trophy on your fire mantle; instead, it carries with it the immense satisfaction of being recognized by one’s peers, …
James Joseph Gandolfini, or maybe we should call him Giacomo Giuseppe Gandolfini, is one of those actors you can’t think about without helping a smile appearing on your face. From his last name, it’s quite obvious he had Italian origins …
Despite a not so stunning figure, Maria Bello always stood out in the movies and tv shows she took part in. She has that quality of lighting up the screen and the capacity of seducing her audience. She did that …
Back in the good ol’ days, come Friday night, Americans would run home, turn on the radio, and sit back and listen to their favorite shows. From the 1920s to the 1950s, it was a time in history commonly referred …
Gary Sinise has one of those faces that are impossible to forget, a face made for characters rough on the edges, but the man behind it couldn’t be further from that image. As his popularity increased he decided to have …