Take two roommates who’ve been friends for 20 years. Add the fact that their Seattle homes are five blocks apart. Mix in one person’s expertise in marketing and design, complemented by the other’s law and engineering background. The result: A …
Representing the variety and beauty of Italian music in different ages and in different fields was the goal of “Music and culture: an Italian Perspective” held at the Musco Center for the Art at Chapman University of Orange. It is …
Professor Alessandro Carrera, a native of Lodi (Lombardy, Italy), has had at least three separate, but, at the same time, intertwined careers. His early attempts at songwriting have run in parallel to his awarded writing efforts in prose and poetry. …
But what he had not anticipated nor planned for was the addition of an assistant. And a girl at that. Miss Waldine Tauch of Brady, from Texas, was a remarkably talented young girl of 18 years, beautiful and ambitious, yet …
It was an evening to remember. On January 17th the National Organization of Italian American Women’s New York Chapter gathered to honor Three Wise Women: Elissa Montanti, Founder and Executive Director of Global Medical Relief Fund, Judith D. Grimaldi, Partner …
What would inspire people to book trips to Ivrea? The small city near Turin is not just your next obscure travel destination. It is an absolutely must-visit stop in the carnival season, when its distinct identity takes shape as the …
Parma and its Province are the homeland of the excellence of some of the Italian culinary cornerstones. Places that are rich in history and their fairy-tale landscapes remind us why Italy is also known as “Il Bel Paese”. We would …
“Quant’è bella giovinezza, che si fugge tuttavia! / Chi vuol esser lieto, sia / di doman non c’è certezza.” Tomorrow has no certainty, so dance and sing and love today. This is the message Lorenzo de Medici delivers in his …
As a community, Italian Americans are just beginning to understand the value of the written word. For years publishers have been saying that the Italian American is not the target audience for most books–they don’t buy books because they don’t …
Blues is a genre and musical form, grown out of spirituals and work songs by African Americans, in the so-called “Cotton States” of the US in the late 1800s. Historically, Rhythm and Blues is an eminently Afro-American popular music genre …