Where the sunrise lifts swirling rounds of swallows skyward over ancient terra-cotta to announce the day,  and cobbled streets host the daily walk of shop-keepers, artisans, and townsfolk as they have for over 1,500 years. Where ancient church towers sing …

Communicating effectively with clients, suppliers or colleagues in Italy is indispensable for anyone interested in relationship building or financial success. But knowing another language is more than just grasping the grammar and mastering the vocabulary. It also means understanding the …

What really is remarkable about the upcoming exhibition, The Sicilian Cart: History in Movement, hosted at the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles (IAMLA) from June 30th to January 7th, is that its Executive Director, Marianna Gatto, since she was …

By Staff

“There has to be irony, both in design and in the objects. I see around me a professional disease of taking everything too seriously.  One of my secrets is to joke all the time.” Achille Castiglioni This year’s Design Week, …

A new Italian film, “The Truth About Love Is… (La verità, vi spiego, sull’amore),” was warmly received by audiences during its North America premiere at the 43rd annual Seattle International Film Festival. This smart, snappy and thoroughly modern take on …

The magazine Esquire listed him among the “Best & Brightest,” Forbes among the “Names You Need To Know” and Wired in the list of the “50 people who will change the world,” Fast Company has named him one of the …

By Staff

The coming of Summer brings to each and every one of us different emotions: for school kids, it is synonym with holidays and mornings spent in bed. For city dwellers, it brings about frightful images of blasting AC in the …

Having discussed Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and the traces these great navigators have left in Genoa and Venice, our tour of the “land of explorers” ends with a closer look at Amerigo Vespucci’s origins and presence in the city of …

By Staff

In the heart of Sicily, there was once a town called Corleone, the birthplace of a mafia boss of the likes of Bernardo Provenzano; his bloody history, in reality and on screen, has transformed this place into a stereotype of …

By Staff

Perhaps because Pasquale Verdicchio can boast a grayish beard worthy of a Greek philosopher – the likes of Plato or Aristotle – or maybe thanks to years and years of teaching in Southern California, or even – if we yield …

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