Maybe it is all due to fairy tales, but weddings, big and fat or small and thin, are always in fashion. A wedding in Italy is considered such a beautiful event that when someone asks you to do something you …
My experience with tourists started when I moved to Ireland, in a city known for its all-year-round, endless flux of visitors: certainly essential for the economy, they also brought a colorful touch here and there, with their awkward requests, strange …
The Italianità: Italian Diaspora Artists Examine Identity exhibition will be opening Sunday May 5th at the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles (IAMLA). The exhibit will focus on the Italian diaspora, which is the dispersion of people to a new …
From 1978-1993, Virgil Fassio was the publisher of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, one of the city’s two daily newspapers until it closed in 2009. His position there capped a 46-year career in newspaper publishing that included major dailies, such as the …
The Bay Area has now, finally, a direct flight from/to Italy, seventeen years after the last Alitalia aircraft took off from the San Francisco International Airport heading to Rome. After almost two decades, Norwegian Air connects Italy and Northern California …
The low, deliberate beat of the drums comes first, distantly reverberating off the high stone walls like a pulsating heartbeat. Louder and louder they thump as the procession approaches. Finally, they turn the corner with a flourish of flamboyant flags, …
On the 9th of May the solo exhibition of Francesca Piovesan, entitled “IN-VISIBLE”, will christen the new Gaggenau Hub in the Heart of Milan. Sabino Maria Frassà, the new art Director of this “temple” of art and design coinceved a …
Messina in north eastern Sicily is a sadly forgotten capital of the Italian island. Cruise ships arrive, and their passengers are whisked off to nearby tourist Mecca Taormina, while other tours leave it off their itinerary completely. This city, with its naturally formed …
Art, in all its forms and shapes, is the most immediate and beautiful of all ways of communicating: a painting, a song, a piece of poetry, a palace or a church, they all tell a story. A story of emotions …
What is Italy known for? Among its many charming attributes, Italy is known for its cuisine. Who doesn’t think of Italian food and fondly reminisce about some delicious, lovingly created dishes? Most Italians can truthfully say their mother’s and grandmother’s …