Matteo Bruno Lunelli is on a mission. The charismatic Chairman of Ferrari Metodo Classico wants us to know that Italian sparkling wine is not limited to Prosecco, the ubiquitous dry sparkler that makes a mean mimosa, or Asti Spumante, the …
On Saturday morning, a friend called to seek my advice on that evening’s dinner. “My boyfriend and I are making poached salmon with truffles and shrimp in a cream sauce,” she said. “What type of wine should we drink?” …
This week, we’re featuring John Graziano, the winemaker at Millbrook Vineyards & Winery in New York’s Hudson River Valley. The winery traces its roots to 1979, when John Dyson – who had recently left New York politics to chair the …
Most of the nation is still recovering from a brutal heat wave that shattered thousands of records and forced millions to stay indoors and crank up the air conditioning. The impact of such weather on wine was on full effect …
Ever since I can remember tasting wine (4 years old and counting) I have known Italian wines to be either Chianti ( Sangiovese grape) or Barolo/Barbaresco ( Nebbiolo grape) and that was satisfactory until I started digging deeper into this …
Mortadella BiteS This is probably going to be the easiest appetizer recipe you ever made, but it is so good you’ll want to make it a lot, I promise! These mortadella bites can be put together in a few minutes …
I have a special place in my wine columns for musicians who have made it in the mad world of rock ‘n roll, then turned to what they thought was the more serene, relaxed life of making wine…until they made …
The economic news for San Diego and its sister cities in the county is finally pointing up, away from the chill of the deepest recession. Recently I read that residential housing sales are up and the average price per home …
The excitement is building. The 9th Annual San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival, five days of celebration of the joy of food and wine, will be with us soon. A small army of chefs and wine makers will …
L’atmosfera accogliente di una piccolo borgo dell’Umbria, unita all’aroma del suo prodotto per eccellenza, il vino, ha ispirato ancora una volta tanti artisti presenti ad uno degli eventi del mese di agosto più unici nel suo genere. La 29^ edizione …