La Buona Tavola

October is Italian heritage month, and how better to celebrate at La Buona Tavola than with the heritage grain, Farro.     Favored by the ancients, the Roman Legions conquered the world on their daily ration.  Also known as emmer, …

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Just in time for Christmas giving and enjoyment is Southern Italian Desserts by Rosetta Costantino. With seventy-five classic desserts worthy of sumptuous holiday feasts, to snacks for surprise guests, and cookies for Christmas giving, Ms. Costantino, a native of Calabria, …

It’s Italy’s answer to peanut butter.  Nutella.  And who doesn’t love it?  In 2007 two writers, Sara Rosso of Ms. Adventures in Italy ( and Michelle Fabio of Bleeding Espresso ( decided that Nutella deserved special recognition, its own special …

By Staff

Italian food is much more than pasta and red sauce, and with The Glorious Vegetables of Italy food writer Domenica Marchetti introduces the reader to the genius that is the Italian way with vegetables.    One of today’s leading proponents …

We Italians have the most wonderful way to finish a meal, especially a big meal.  Amari, (singular, amaro), are an essential part of the Italian gustatory experience.  Sadly these eupeptics have yet to catch on in America. although that is …

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